Public Universal Friend OrigINs
(Jody Friend)

2021 is shaping up to be a big year for Indianapolis music! Including new music from this fantastic artist! Public Universal Friend, fronted by our guest Jody Friend, have a new album coming out this year. With 2 singles already released, the album is shaping up to be monumental. Here's Jody's OrigINs story!

Jody Friend promo1.jpg

2021 is shaping up to be a big year for Indianapolis music! Including new music from this fantastic artist! Public Universal Friend, fronted by our guest Jody Friend, have a new album coming out this year. With 2 singles already released, the album is shaping up to be monumental.

Listen to this episode from OrigINs on Spotify. 2021 is shaping up to be a big year for Indianapolis music! Including new music from this fantastic artist! Public Universal Friend, fronted by our guest Jody Friend, have a new album coming out this year.


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