Addie Kosten OrigINs

Recently announced as a recipient of a Robert D. Beckmann Jr Emerging Artist Fellowship through the Arts Council of Indianapolis, Addie Kosten is a dynamic singer, songwriter, & performer of energetic synth-pop songs. She bring the same passion to the stage, as she does to sustainability, conservation, & working to save the planet! Check out her OrigINs story & give her a follow!

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Recently announced as a recipient of a Robert D. Beckmann Jr Emerging Artist Fellowship through the Arts Council of Indianapolis, Addie Kosten is a dynamic singer, songwriter, & performer of energetic synth-pop songs. She bring the same passion to the stage, as she does to sustainability, conservation, & working to save the planet!

Listen to this episode from OrigINs on Spotify. Recently announced as a recipient of a Robert D. Beckmann Jr Emerging Artist Fellowship through the Arts Council of Indianapolis, Addie Kosten is a dynamic singer, songwriter, & performer of energetic synth-pop songs.


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